Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic <p><strong>SENSEI INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND LINGUISTICS (SIJEL), </strong>is a peer-reviewed journal published in February, May, August, November welcome research paper in language, linguistics, oral tradition, literature, arts, education, and other related fields which are published in both online and printed versions.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Admin) (IT Support) Mon, 26 Aug 2024 03:07:56 +0000 OJS 60 IMPROVING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS THROUGH INNOVATIVE LEARNING AT SDN 45 BANDA ACEH <p><em>Education has an important role in shaping individual character, knowledge and skills, especially in the era of globalization and the industrial revolution. Critical thinking skills are essential in dealing with complex problems, making decisions, and contributing to the development of society. In the educational context, improving critical thinking skills is the main goal, considering the rapid changes in the social, economic and technological landscape. Innovative learning is the key to achieving this goal, considering the diversity of each individual's learning methods. The aim of this research is to determine the improvement of critical thinking skills through innovative learning at SDN 45 Banda Aceh. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Interview results show that the implementation of a project-based approach and the use of technology has increased student interest and participation. The teacher's role as a facilitator of a supportive learning environment is key in achieving positive results. Good student response and parental support reinforce the value of innovative learning. Despite facing infrastructure and teacher training challenges, ongoing efforts are being made to overcome these obstacles</em>.</p> Ainal Mardhiah, Siti Mayang Sari, Muhammad Zulhairi Bin Zubairi Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF IMPROVING STUDENTS' LANGUAGE SKILLS THROUGH LITERACY ACTIVITIES IN CLASS 1 OF SDN 1 KOTAFAJAR <p><em>Education, as an important thing in forming character and developing individual potential, is important in community development. At the basic education level, such as at SD Negeri 1 Kotafajar, educational institutions face various challenges and dynamics that can have a big impact on students' language abilities. Therefore, this research aims to conduct an in-depth analysis regarding improving students' language skills through literacy activities in Class 1. SD Negeri 1 Kotafajar, as an integral part of the education system, is expected to be able to provide a solid foundation in developing children's language skills while contributing on improving the overall quality of education. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the interview results, it shows that literacy activities in Class 1 of SD Negeri 1 Kotafajar are integrated into the curriculum with a focus on reading, writing and speaking. Teachers have successfully integrated literacy into the curriculum with interactive methods, while parental support and teacher differentiation approaches have strengthened the effectiveness of this program. There has been a significant increase in students' interest in literacy, which is reflected in active participation in various reading and writing activities.</em></p> Cut Oktanalisa, Siti Mayang Sari, Nurul Fatehah Binti Norhazaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OVERCOMING THE LITERACY CRISIS AND IMPROVING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AT SDN 8 SUBULUSSALAM <p><em>Basic education in Indonesia has an important role in forming the foundation of knowledge and character of children as the nation's next generation. Even though basic education in Indonesia has a vision and mission to create intelligent and characterful students, SDN 8 Subulussalam faces a number of challenges, especially related to the literacy crisis and the lack of development of critical thinking skills among students. The literacy crisis at SDN 8 Subulussalam is a fundamental problem that affects students' ability to read, write and understand various forms of text. The aim of this research is to describe Overcoming the literacy crisis and improving critical thinking skills at SDN 8 Subulussalam. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive research type. Based on the research results, it shows that SDN 8 Subulussalam faces significant challenges related to limited access to reading materials and students' lack of interest in reading. Concrete efforts by teachers, such as increasing library collections and collaborating with the community, have increased student interest, while the integration of learning methods for critical thinking skills and the use of technology is recognized as a positive step in overcoming the literacy crisis.</em></p> Hermalinda Hermalinda, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFORTS TO INCREASE CHILDREN'S ABSORPTIONAL Capacity THROUGH THE CHARACTER EDUCATION PROGRAM AT KB-TK ARRAHMAN ISLAMIC SCHOOL <p><em>Early childhood education (PAUD) at KB-TK Arrahman Islamic School plays a major role in forming the foundations of children's character and attitudes towards life. In this complex era of globalization, character education is an urgent need to give children the right tools to face the dynamics and challenges of the future. This research aims to evaluate the condition of children's absorption of Islamic values in this school, identify Islamic character values that are considered essential, and develop strategies and character education programs that can be integrated holistically in the PAUD curriculum. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Based on the results of interviews, it shows that children respond positively to Islamic values, with active support from parents and teachers. Even though they are faced with challenges such as limited resources, schools face them with creativity and collaboration, creating an educational environment that supports children's Islamic character through targeted and responsive programs. A comprehensive evaluation is carried out to measure the level of children's understanding of these values. The next steps include identifying essential Islamic character values, developing character education strategies and programs, and actively involving parents in the education process. With this understanding, schools can design programs that are more targeted and responsive to children's needs, creating an educational environment that supports the development of their Islamic character through collaboration between schools, parents and local resources.</em></p> Jannati Abdullah, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FACTORS OF LACK OF READING ABILITY AMONG SEVERELY IMPROVED STUDENTS IN CLASS V OF PAYA KULBI STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL <p><em>This research method uses descriptive qualitative which focuses on the natural conditions of objects for students (Sf). The aim of this research is to determine the factors that cause a lack of reading ability (Sf). Based on what happened in the field, there was a problem with the reading ability of one of the students in class V of Paya Kulbi State Elementary School, namely (Sf), who was known to have a mild mental retardation as seen from his learning ability and reading difficulties. Reading ability is the student's ability to recognize letters and words, then connect them with sounds and understand the meaning of what is read and this cannot be done by (Sf). Mental retardation is an intelligence ability below average so that students who experience mental retardation have great difficulty understanding learning. The results of research using observations and interviews found that the factors causing the lack of reading ability in (Sf) consisted of endogenous and exogenous factors, where from endogenous, namely there were mentally retarded hereditary cells from the mother, and from exogenous, namely students did not receive support from their parents to hone their abilities. learn it.</em></p> Katrunnada Katrunnada, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL STUDY PROBLEMS IN LAMPUYANG STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL <p><em>Education is a need that must be fulfilled by every individual. Education cannot be separated from all activities carried out by humans. Under any circumstances, humans cannot deny the effects of implementing education in everyday life. Education is divided into three, namely formal education, informal education and non-formal education. The aim of this research is to find out what factors influence the development of educational problems at Lampuyang State Elementary School. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, namely research based on phenomena that occurred in one case at Lampuyang State Elementary School. Based on visible facts and interview results obtained, the condition of education at this school is influenced by a number of problems, including a lack of facilities and infrastructure, a lack of textbooks, and the need for better teacher training. Social and cultural factors, such as low economic conditions, also have a significant impact on parental participation in education. Nevertheless, the efforts made, such as improving teacher qualifications, programs involving parents, and initiatives to increase access to technology, reflect positive steps to overcome educational problems at Lampuyang State Elementary School and improve the quality of learning at the school.</em></p> Lisnawati Lisnawati, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFORTS TO INCREASE CHILDREN'S INTEREST IN LEARNING THROUGH IMAGE MEDIA AT NAPAI SDN WEST WOYLA DISTRICT, WEST ACEH <p><em>Education has an important role in the personal formation and intellectual development of children. High interest in learning tends to make students more active, enthusiastic and eager to face the lesson material. On the other hand, low interest in learning can result in boredom, lack of motivation, and even rejection of the teaching and learning process. This research aims to describe efforts to increase children's interest in learning at SDN Napai, West Woyla District, West Aceh Regency, through the use of image media, geographical and social conditions in rural areas are challenges in improving the quality of learning. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the research results, it revealed limited facilities and a lack of variety in learning methods. It is hoped that the implementation of image media at SDN Napai can be an effective solution to stimulate interest in learning. Student reactions to image media were positive, with increased participation and learning outcomes. The role of teachers and parent involvement is very important. Other factors that need to be considered involve the community, developing culturally appropriate materials, and strengthening cooperation. In conclusion, this strategy can have a significant positive impact in increasing children's interest in learning at SDN Napai, in line with the concept of inclusive education and the demands of the digital era.</em></p> Mahrini Mahrini, Siti Mayang Sari, Mardhatillah Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGIES FOR OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SCIENCE IN CLASS III AT PRIMARY SCHOOL JRUEK ACEH BESAR <p><em>Education in Indonesia plays a central role in forming the basic knowledge and skills of students. In the context of an increasingly complex basic education curriculum, Natural Sciences (IPA) is a crucial subject. Science not only presents scientific concepts, but also involves students in scientific thinking, observation and exploration. In facing learning challenges, especially in grade III of the Jruek Aceh Besar State Elementary School, where difficulties in learning science arise, effective strategies are needed. This research aims to explore the strategies implemented in this school to overcome science learning difficulties. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the results of the interview, it can be seen that the third grade teacher at the Jruek Aceh Besar Elementary School identified that some students had difficulty learning science. This assessment becomes the basis for designing adaptive teaching strategies, involving students in interactive activities, such as project-based approaches and the use of learning media. Factors causing learning difficulties involve the complexity of the material, differences in student learning styles, lack of parental support, limited learning infrastructure, and students' psychological conditions. It is hoped that parental involvement in school activities will have a positive impact on the learning achievement of class III students at the Jruek Aceh Besar Public Elementary School.</em></p> Mughni Mughni 'Alya, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIAGNOSTICS OF STUDENTS' LEARNING DIFFICULTIES IN MATHEMATICS SUBJECTS AT STATE 61 PRIMARY SCHOOL BANDA ACEH <p><em>Diagnostics of learning difficulties is one way that can be used to study and understand the problems experienced by students in teaching and learning activities. This research aims to determine students' learning difficulties, especially in mathematics subjects and the factors that cause them. This research is included in the descriptive research type using a quantitative approach. The population of this study were students at SDN 61 Banda Aceh consisting of 164 people. Meanwhile, the research sample was 18 class IV students. The data collection technique used was DCM (Problem Checklist) and analyzed using descriptive percentage techniques. The results of the research show that every student has obstacles and problems that can be identified as difficulties learning mathematics at school, both in terms of (1) Internal factors caused by; 45% Study Habits, 97% Interest, 80% Motivation and (2) External factors which include; 46% school environment and 25% family environment.</em></p> Nola Fajria, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STUDENTS' LEARNING DIFFICULTIES AND THEIR HANDLING IN CLASS IV SCIENCE LEARNING IN STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL 16 BANDA ACEH <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine students' learning difficulties and their responses to class IV science learning at SDN 16 Banda Aceh. This research uses qualitative research methods with a qualitative descriptive design. This research was carried out on the basis of a phenomenon that occurred in one case at SDN 16 Banda Aceh. Researchers found Based on the results of data analysis, the results obtained are; a) The types of mathematics learning difficulties experienced by elementary/MI students are divided into two, namely difficulties that originate from within the student and those that originate from outside the student, and how to handle them, namely; 1) Carrying out a diagnosis of learning difficulties in students, 2) Providing remedial learning guidance for science learning and 3) Implementing the Personal Resilience Curriculum, and Using Blended Learning. b) Factors that cause elementary/MI students' learning difficulties are factors that originate from within the student (internal) and factors that originate from outside the student (external). Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation.</em></p> Putri Lara Maulida, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 USE OF THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT AS A LEARNING RESOURCE IN LEARNING SCIENCE IN CLASS IV SDIT ULUMUDDIN LHOKSEUMAWE <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine students' learning difficulties and their In the learning process, it is of course important to involve students in exploration, so that understanding of concepts and basic understanding of knowledge, especially science, can be understood by students easily. Learning resources can be found in the child's surroundings. The life of flora and fauna and social conditions are very interesting to observe and talk about, which is information and a source of learning for children about the environment. The aim of this research is to find out how the learning process works by utilizing the school environment as a learning resource in science subjects in class IV SDIT Ulumuddin, and to find out the role and obstacles that hinder the process of using the school environment as a learning resource in science subjects in class IV SDIT Ulumuddin.</em></p> Raudhatul Muna, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHER PROBLEMATICS IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS AT SDN 3 BANDA ACEH CITY <p><em>This research aims to see what problems teachers are facing in teaching Mathematics at SDN 3 Banda Aceh City and what solutions are provided by teachers to students while the teaching and learning process is taking place in the classroom. The research method used is a qualitative approach, with the type of research data collection using observation, interviews and documentation methods with research subjects namely grade 1 elementary school teachers. The results of the research show that there are several problems experienced by many teachers in teaching mathematics, including:1. What are the factors that make it difficult for us as teachers to teach Mathematics? 2. What curriculum is currently used in schools? 3. How interested are students in taking mathematics lessons? 4. Do students easily memorize formulas? 5. How do teachers develop talent for teaching mathematics ?. The solutions offered regarding the difficulties faced are: 1) Teachers must provide students with learning motivation for basic Mathematics concepts; 2) Teachers must understand the meaning of independent curriculum and can explore it with students without coercion; 3) Teachers must be more creative in using appropriate learning media, methods and strategies to make it easier for students to memorize mathematical formulas; 5) Teachers must participate actively in teacher working groups (KKG).</em></p> Rita Yusari, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF IMAGE MEDIA IN TEACHING SCIENCE TO CLASS 5 STUDENTS AT SDN 7 LINGE CENTRAL ACEH <p><em>Education plays a fundamental role in shaping the character and competence of the younger generation, with learning media being a crucial element in this process. Natural Science (Science) subjects with their complexity of concepts require effective and innovative teaching strategies to facilitate student understanding. It is hoped that the use of image media can create a dynamic, interactive learning atmosphere and support a holistic understanding of science concepts. This research aims to describe the application of image media in teaching science to grade 5 students at SDN 7 Linge Central Aceh. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the results of research conducted at SDN 7 Linge, grade 5 teachers have succeeded in implementing image media integration strategies effectively in science learning. Through group assignments or student projects, teachers give them the freedom to create presentations using relevant image media and which support the science concepts being studied. Despite the challenges faced by the diversity of students' learning styles and technology skill levels, teachers continue to look for creative solutions, with a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of using image media.</em></p> Siti Rosnawati, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INCREASING STUDENT LITERACY THROUGH A CREATIVE APPROACH AT SDN 57 BANDA ACEH <p><em>Education is a critical aspect in shaping the future of young people, and literacy plays an important role in ensuring students' intellectual and social development. Increasing creative literacy is a key focus, incorporating art, innovation and creativity into learning to stimulate student interest and engagement. The aim of this research is to determine the increase in student literacy through a creative approach at SDN 57 Banda Aceh. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the interview results, it shows that teachers play an important role as facilitators of creativity, using learning methods such as art projects and technology to design interesting learning experiences. Students responded positively, showed greater interest in literacy, and felt more motivated to read and write. However, challenges such as teacher readiness and resource availability still need to be addressed. Additional training is required to fully understand the integration of creativity in literacy learning, and time and resource constraints pose logistical obstacles. Involving parents is considered important, and SDN 57 Banda Aceh has involved parents through regular meetings and creative literacy activities.</em></p> Sri Hartati, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF STUDENT LEARNING THROUGH FORMATIVE EVALUATIONAT SDN PIR BATEE PUTEH V ARONGAN LAMBALEK, WEST ACEH DISTRICT <p><em>Education is the foundation for the development of a nation which plays an important role in forming individual character, knowledge and skills. The basic education level is an important foundation in the development journey of every student, and the quality of learning at this level greatly determines an individual's future success. One aspect that plays a big role in determining the quality of learning is the evaluation method applied by the teacher. This study aims to determine improving the quality of student learning through formative evaluationat SDN Pir Batee Puteh V, Arongan Lambalek District, West Aceh Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Based on the interview results, it can be seen that the implementation of formative evaluation at SDN Pir Batee Puteh V shows a planned and sustainable approach, with special training for teachers and the use of various evaluation instruments. Teachers actively engage students, provide open feedback, and conduct class discussions. Schools involve parents through regular meetings, providing access to children's evaluation results, and encouraging support at home. Although teachers face challenges of curriculum adjustments, schools overcome them with teacher training and collaboration.</em></p> Yulia Riechie, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL CULTURE AT 14 BANDA ACEH STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the application and evaluation of character education values in school culture at public elementary school 14 banda aceh. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction and data collection and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that character education in the culture of public primary school 14 banda aceh is implemented in the layers of artifacts and values and beliefs.&nbsp; The planning consists of determining character values, namely religion, discipline, environmental care, national spirit, and respect for achievement; program preparation; policy socialization; and condition planning. The implementation is through the provision of facilities for various programs designed to shape student character through habituation activities. In general, SD negeri 14 banda aceh has achieved school success indicators in the implementation of the four main character values and the value of environmental care which is the focus of implementation. Evaluation is carried out through monitoring and evaluation at the end of the semester with the instrument of violation records and monitoring observation results. The aspects of evaluation include planning, completeness of facilities, implementation, achievement of targets and comparison of conditions.</em></p> Laura Oktaviany Marantika, Siti Mayang Sari, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INCREASING LEARNING OUTCOMES READING BY CLASS 1 STUDENTS OF SDN 24 BANDA ACEH WITH THE "GULINGJAR" STRATEGY <p><em>School is a place for all students to receive learning according to their needs. Learning is an educational tool that can hone every child's abilities in both writing and reading skills. By reading, students can put information into their notebooks. However, less than optimal interest in reading can have an impact on students' ability to master reading skills. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that cause low interest in reading among grade 1 students and find innovative solutions to increase their interest and reading ability. This research aims to increase the interest and reading ability of grade 1 students through the application of the "rolljar" strategy. With a focus on the low interest in reading among grade 1 students. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The research results show that the "rolljar" strategy, especially with visits to the Aceh Regional Library, is effective in increasing students' interest in reading. With collaboration between teachers, parents and students, it is hoped that this strategy can be an effective alternative in improving reading learning at the initial level of education.</em></p> Ridhayanie Ridhayanie, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT ON THE FORMATION OF CLASS STUDENTS CHARACTER IV STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UPTD NO 122384 <p><em>This research aims to determine the relationship between the influence of the school environment on the character formation of class IV students at SD 122384 in the 2023/2024 academic year. In this research, researchers used quantitative research. The population in this study was all 16 class IV students using the entire population as the research sample. The data collection process uses observation instruments, questionnaires and documentation, using data analysis techniques of validity testing, reliability testing, normality testing, descriptive statistical linearity testing and hypothesis testing. The results of this research show that the tcount ? ttable value is 3.574 ? 0.468 and with a significance value of 0.003 ? 0.05 and produces an R Square of 0.471, so it is concluded that the school environment has an influence of 47.1% on the character formation of class IV students at State Elementary School 122384.</em></p> Eva Pasaribu, Henriko Sihotang Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HIGH LEVEL THINKING ABILITY IN SOLVING HOTS QUESTIONS IN MATHEMATICS SUBJECTS <p><em>required humans to have high level thinking skills. In the world of education, HOTS is the students’ thinking ability who do not only remember but also expected to be able to develop the ideas. This descriptive research aims to determine the ability to think at a higher level and to find out the obstacles in solving HOTS questions in mathematics on fifth grade students. The data was collected by giving a description test and interview to 90 students. The results of the PAP analysis on the final score of the test showed that 50 students (56%) had HOTS Thinking Ability was in the sufficient category. The next part through content analysis, the interview results showed that there were 61 students (68%) students had problems in the process of forming mathematic sentences. Based on this research, it could be concluded that the fifth grade students of SD Markus Medan tend to have sufficient HOTS thinking ability and were still low in answering questions with C6 cognitive domains, while the students' constraints were in the process of forming mathematic sentences. The conclusion obtained had implications in improving students' thinking abilities at each cognitive level through HOTS based assessment.</em></p> D. Yuliana Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 Sensei International Journal of Education and Linguistic Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000